New Year, New Me?
Change your attitude to change your altitude.
A time for fresh starts, new beginnings, and, of course, the age-old tradition of making ridiculous resolutions that we’ll inevitably break within the first week.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Before we start stressing about all the things we’re going to change about ourselves in the next 365 days, let’s take a moment to appreciate the end of the old year.
2022 was a time to crawl out of the pandemic dumpster fire and realize that humanity learnt nothing from our communal lockdowns. We all lived through a dystopian nightmare together which could’ve united us, but the wars continue, the shootings are rampant, and people are back to their old ways. Classic humanity.
Maybe a fresh orbit around the sun can inspire us to better our ways?
I wanted to share a photo with you.
London, UK. November 29, 2018.
Walking miles back from a stand up show to a friend’s house where I was sofa surfing, because I had so little money to my name, I couldn’t even afford the bus home.
I grabbed one of the free cans of beer from the green room and made the trek through the winter winds with a huge smile on my face.
I was, strangely happy.
Perhaps a coping mechanism, tricking me into thinking I was in a state of joy, to help me survive.
But there was something freeing about having lost everything (or so I thought; amnesia was only a few months ahead of me).
It really seemed as though I was at my personal rock bottom, so I knew that with hard work and a positive attitude, my future could be better, much better.
Today, there’s still a lot more room for improvement, but you wouldn’t believe the person I am today compared to the fragmented ghost I was from my amnesiac reset.
I am very grateful, to myself, for the determination and hard work that I bring to each day, and to what seems like a comprehensible Universe working in cahoots with me.
Here’s another photo I want to share.
This isn’t just a generic photo of an audience, this is a snapshot from a group of people, laughing, together, at my performance, with Eric.
To me, this is one of the most beautiful sights.
And I intend to re-engineer this life for myself and unsuspecting audiences in the future. It might take me a few more years to get to that stage, but my focus and attention is on creating incredible, poignant and comedic shows, and movies, for you.
What’s your resolution?
What would you like to achieve this coming year, and for the foreseeable future?
If you want to be entertained and/or need a little help with reaching your targets, then follow my journey on my YouTube channel.
I plan to be very active on there this year, in both English and French, so subscribe and get regular comedic updates on what I am up to.
Here’s the first: New Year, New Me?
Ultimately, it’s just another day, one other planetary spin around its axis. But you can see the new year as a blank slate, and it’s up to us to fill it with whatever we want.
So here’s to a happy and healthy new year. Let’s make it a good one.
Lots of Love,